Monday, February 18, 2008

Guinea Pig

One of the services offered at my work is belly casting. Since we just moved into our new office we have this nice display case in the lobby and the drs wanted a cast to put out there. I got volunteered to be the guinea pig since I have the cute pregnant belly and am the farthest along out of the half a dozen or so of us that are currently pregnant at my office. Here is what the mold looked like right after it was taken off...


We had our 3D ultrasound was really neat to see her like that. She is already three pounds, so she will most likely be at least eight pounds.

Don't you just love her little smile...
She likes to talk

She's such a little lady...crossing her legs
Here's a hand and a foot

Here she is in action...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Despite all the time and effort it took to paint Madie's room, I think it looks adorable.

Madison in all her glory! :)


I guess I finally had enough people ask me if we have a blog, so now we do!
If anyone has any input for how we can edit this thing that would be much appreciated.