Thursday, February 26, 2009

Explanation of the fried frogs

Ok Randi you go!
It was a little bit before Christmas and I was at my parents house along with Kristi and her girls and Dustin and his kids. My dad was reading a book to Benjamin and Curtis and somehow made everything about frogs (the book had nothing to do with frogs). It was quite entertaining, probably more so if you were actually there. So when it came time to send out the email sign up for our Christmas brunch all of the usual products were listed and at the bottom was this: "products (like muffins or bagels), chocolate covered ants, deep fried frogs, fried stuff with cheese, etc." The fried stuff with cheese is a Friends reference but the deep fried frogs went back to when my dad was reading to the boys and kept talking about frogs. I thought it would be funny to actually bring deep fried frogs, so I looked in stores for gummy frogs but couldn't find any. My parents went to San Diego a couple of weeks ago and saw some at Sea Port Village, so my mom got a few and brought them home for me to fry for my dad. I found a recipe online for fried twinkies and used that batter. 
That is the story of the deep fried frogs.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Time for Updates

I know it has been a while since I posted last, but between homework and taking care of a sick baby I haven't had time or energy. To make up for being awake from 2:30 to 3:30 this morning Madison is still sleeping, so I figured I would update this thing. Madie is getting so grown up. She is into everything. She can pull herself to standing, crawl, walk...pretty much you name it and she can do it. And she has the bruises to prove it. She is always so proud of herself when she pulls herself up to standing or walks.
Here she is sporting her new sunglasses which I got for one dollar at target, in hopes of deterring her from always wanting to play with my sunglasses.
She has a mind of her own. When she saw Zach laying on the couch she wanted to sit on top of him. At one point she was leaned forward with her hands on his back and it looked like she was giving him a massage...but she moved before I could get a picture of that. 
I got my hair cut two weeks ago. I like it. There is no before picture becuase I don't like the one I took.
This was my attempt at fried frogs. They are not real frogs, they were gummy frogs. My second attempt was much more successful, but I didn't get a picture. This was for my dad.
This is mostly for Lindsay because she has asked several times for updates on what Zach does in school. So here are some pictures of the models Zach has been working on this semester. He does several drawings for each one before he makes it into a model. Maybe over spring break I can get him to post about them and explain what he is doing.

Overall, things are going pretty well. Zach is super busy with homework as usual. We are only about 1/3 of the way through the semester and he has already made as many models as he did all of last semester. I stay pretty busy keeping Madie entertained and following her as she explores her surroundings. 

Video of Madison crawling

Here it is

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Something New Every Day

It seems like Madison learns something new every day. It may not actually be every day, but it is at least every week. Two weeks ago she started walking. Last week she got her first tooth (I know that isn't really learning something, but I thought it was note worthy). This week she started crawling (if you can call it that). Her position of choice is one knee and one foot. It is quite interesting, but it works for her. My dad calls it crawking (said crock ing) because it is like she is half crawling and half walking. Here is a picture of her crawling stance:

 I also got it on video but don't have the patience right now to upload it, so maybe later. 

We are also entering into the month of doctors appointments. Madie's 9 month check up is on the 17th, she starts physical therapy on the 27th (it would be the 20th if I didn't have stupid jury duty) and her appt with the second orthopedic surgeon is on March 6th. I know that is only three weeks, not a month, but with pt she will probably be going at least once a week would be my guess. 

Zach is as busy as ever with homework. That will probably consume most of his time during the semester for the next three and a half years. I just have to keep telling myself that it is so that life can be a little better and easier for us in the long run. 

Hooray for tax season! I don't feel the need to specify our exact return amount...I'll just say that it is nice. I wasn't really that surprised with having Madie, quitting working and Zach being in school. It is kind of anticlimactic though, since the vast majority of the return is going into the "I want a house" fund. The part we do spend will probably be on eyewear for Zach and maybe some paint for when we move. 

I, along with Kristi, am planning a bridal shower for Lori. Any good ideas for a theme or games???

Madie and I went to the Glendale chocolate affair with my parents on Saturday. Guess what Zach was doing...homework. It was kind of a bust, but Madie did enjoy the chocolate covered strawberries.
I think this picture is just cute, plus you can see her new bow that I made.