Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Picture overload

Zach's parents gave us a check for Christmas and told us to use it on something fun...so we did! We bought a new digital camera, since our old one didn't want to take clear pictures. (I knew it wasn't just me shaking the camera since the pics were still blurry when I would set the camera on the table to take the picture) So we have spent the last few days playing with the camera. It has some really neat features. 
Madie playing with her water baby
Madie trying to be a water baby :) (For those with no water baby experience that pink funnel is the one you use to put the water into the water baby)
Zach playing with one of our filters (this is not a feature of the new camera, we have a few filters)
Cutie pie
more of the cutie pie


This is not a photoshop-ed picture...this was actually done with the camera
I know, it's pretty cool.

One more of the cutie pie...for good measure

We have this dancing snowman that Madie just loves! She always gets excited when we turn it on (she sometimes gets excited just when she sees him) so we video taped them together. 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Thank you to our amazing family for all of the wonderful things you gave us today. We truely appreciate it!
I would like to show off a little bit, though. Here are some of the things I made for others this year.
For two of Zach's sisters I made them journals. I didn't actually make the journal part, I just decorated it super cute! I made a cookbook for his other sister, but it isn't very cute just to look at so there is no picture of it.

For my little sister, I made bookends that spell her name and match the colors of her bedroom. I think they were a big hit. :)
I made a wreath for my mom out of picture frames. She likes to hang a wreath during the holidays and I thought this way she could have one up all year long. I know the colors look kind of Christmas-y but it actually matches the colors of her living room.
For Zach's parents, I made the following wall hanging. 

Here is Madie on Christmas morning playing with her slinky and opening presents :)

Zach got me this picture that says, "The greatest work you will ever do will be done within the walls of your own home." Very appropriate for this year :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Picture time

We took Madie to get her picture taken with all of her cousins on Wednesday. The results were much better than the last time. :)

Catching Up

Brace yourself...this might be a really long post! 

Notice: There aren't any pictures on this post yet. I have to get them off of people's cameras but hopefully they will be on here tonight, so check back :)

Thanksgiving was good. We went over to Zach's aunt and uncle's house for some socializing before we left to go eat with my family. The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to his cousins sealing, where we ran into the Merkleys. It was nice to see them again. We had to leave Madison, which was kind of hard since that was only the second time we have left her with someone other than myself or Zach. She did pretty good though. I feel a little better leaving her now that she will drink from a sippie cup. Since she would never take a bottle I always felt like if I left her I would need to be back in time to feed her. 

Last weekend we went to Sedona with my family (minus Nick and Lindsay, since they live in California). That was a lot of fun. I realized just how much work it is to go out of town over night when you have a baby. No more will be the days of just picking up on a Friday afternoon and going away for a few days (not that we ever really did that before, but it is not so much an option now). Madison did pretty well on the 2 hour car ride up there. She was a little bit fussy for the second half but we kept her pretty well entertained. Luckily she slept the whole way home, so that was good. We decorated gingerbread houses, went on a little hike (it was more like a walk, but what do you expect when you have 6 kids under the age of 5 with you), and had a guitar hero tournament. It was true tournament style, with everyone playing the same song on the same level of difficulty as a qualifying round to determine who had to play on which level of difficulty for the actualy tournament. We did a double elimination bracket style, and yours truely went undefeated to take the title. I'm still not sure how that happened. 

Madison decided that she wanted to play in the tournament too! :)

Tomorrow is baking day! Hooray for baking day! All day with my mom and sisters baking goodies...what's not to love! 

I love the holidays but they can really wear you out! I still feel like I have so much to do. Sometimes I feel like I am almost done with the Christmas presents I am making for people, but other times I wonder if I am going to finish before Christmas!

Hopefully, tomorrow we will get a cute family picture for the holidays. I am excited to be taking family pictures for some of our friends. It has been a while since I took pictures of something other than Madie and I often miss it. And hooray for getting together with old friends. I can't wait to see you next week, Alissa :)

I am cheap! I couldn't find a baby's first Christmas ornament that I liked for a decent price (I have a hard time paying $15 for an ornament) so I decided to make Madison's first Christmas ornament. Her bedroom, which is pink with purple butterflies, was my inspiration. So for a grand total of $1.25, here is what I made her.

Here is our lovely Christmas tree, all decked out.