Monday, December 28, 2009

Really, me? But I'm Nobody!

So everybody who is anybody in the crafty-blogging world (plus most of us nobodys) knows of Amy from Mod Podge Rocks. Well she just made my day! I got this comment on my craft blog on the post about the cardboard box oven I made for Madie for Christmas:

Mod Podge Amy said...

Are you serious?? This is SO CUTE - Can I please repost it??

All I have to say is...Amy, are YOU serious!?!?!? 
Ok, well that isn't really all I have to say. She has a flickr group where you can upload pics of projects you've done using Mod Podge that she checks to find things to post about and I didn't even upload the oven to it! She found me! It is so funny too because I even thought about her and her love affair with Mod Podge several times while making the oven and blogging about it. I wondered what she would think of it...well now I know! 
And since I doubt that many of you care much at all about this anyway, I will stop rambling.    

Saturday, December 26, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We are blessed to have such wonderful families and to be able to spend some time with them recently. We got a box of #10 cans from Tim & Summer. I'm excited to try the wheat, since I've never used it before in anything. We also got a hysterical card from Adam (Zach's brother). Inside was a gift card and $20. My first thought was "Dang! Adam must be loaded!" because it was way more than I was expecting (especially since I wasn't really expecting anything). Here is the message: "Alright, so if you two don't like Olive Garden, blame Mom. Cuz she's the one that was so sure of it. Ok? Haha. And the $20 is me paying you back, Zach, for all that money I stole out of your A&W glass for school lunches when I was a freshman. I'm not sure how much I took, so I just decided to be safe and go with 20."
I busted up laughing!!! Then I read it to Zach and he busted up laughing! Adam, you're always good for a laugh. :) We'll miss you someday when you leave.
Madison got a little ride on toy that plays the Muffin Man song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She LOVES it! She gets on and plays the music (only Twinkle Twinkle, for some reason she doesn't like the Muffin Man song) and dances away. It is so cute. I'll have to get a video of it sometime for her Grammy & Grandpa to see.
Since I'm sure you all don't really care what all we got for Christmas from every single person we are related to, I'll do a quick sum up of the rest. Baby stroller for Madie from my parents along with some books and clothes. I also got clothes (super awesome story on that to follow) and Zach got some thing to draw on for his computer. It is called a VisTablet, in you are curious and want to google it. Sarah made us a cute nativity wall hanging that I'll have to get a pic of later.
For the awesome clothes story. I found a pair of jeans at Kohls in the 90% off section. It wasn't the size I normally wear but I had never heard of the brand before so I figured I would give them a try. Well lucky for me they fit! So how much were my jeans? Regular price $40. Awesome! I just scored $40 jeans for $4...but wait...there's more. We go to checkout and they don't ring up at $4...they ring up for $3! Plus we got an extra 15% off! Yep, $40 jeans for $2.55!!! I also got another pair of jeans, but they weren't as good of a deal (regularly $40, we paid just over $5).
Pictures of our Christmas adventures in a post below this one and if you are looking for pictures of things I crafted for others this year, check out my other blog: There are several posts of things I made so be sure to scroll down.

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

I didn't do it

The other day we were driving in the car and Madie was eating goldfish. There weren't very many left so when she ate them all she said "all done". So I asked her if she ate all the goldfish. Her response - No
Me: Then who ate all the goldfish?
Madie: Grandpa

A few days later we had this conversation (also while in the car) -
Madie: All done
Me: Did you eat all of the M&Ms?
Madie: No
Me: Who ate them? (expecting her to say Grandpa again)
Madie: Grandma

She makes me laugh.

Christmas 2009 slideshows

Way too many to upload so here is a slideshow. Enjoy!