Friday, September 26, 2008

Mommy's little helper

Madison decided yesterday that she wanted to help me do the laundry.

How did I know that she wanted to play in the laundry basket and that it wasn't just a crazy idea of my own, you ask? Well when Madie decides she wants something she stares at it until I give it to her. I thought she wanted her pacie that was on the arm of the chair but when I gave it to her she just spit it out and kept staring down toward the floor. The only thing over there was the laundry basket. When I put her in it she just smiled, which was nice to see since smiles were hard to come by yesterday with her not feeling well. It is amazing to me how she already has such a mind of her own...heaven help me when she is a teenager! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bring on the real food!

Madie is officially eating real food now (to the extent that you can call rice cereal real food). She does a really good job of actually eating it and not just spitting it all back out. I think she forgets that she likes it because it takes some coaxing to get her to actually eat it but after a few bites it is like she remembers all of a sudden that she enjoys the cereal and scarfs the rest of it down.
Here she is pretending she wants nothing to do with it.

She trys to help feed herself...

Here is her messy face :)

Madie also figured out on Friday how to roll onto her tummy from her back. One time she even rolled completly over from back to tummy to back in one quick motion. I won't be surprised if she starts to roll around as her mode of transportation. I will try to get it on video as she gets better at it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Zach has been very busy between working and going to school. He finished his first project a week or so ago and he found out that he got one of the best grades in his class. He was very excited about that. He had to take four different maps of the valley and combine them all into one hand drawing. I would post a picture of it but it was done in pencil so it doesn't photograph well. He also made a 3D model of part of his map. It turned out kind of neat. The part on the top right represents the papago buttes, the chunk missing out of the middle is the salt river, the bottom most layer is the earth untouched, the middle layer is the Hohokam indian canal system and the top part is the grid system that exists today with a couple of buildings. 

Madie is now four months old. She had her checkup on Tuesday and it wasn't a pleasant experience, she wasn't a fan of the shots (I don't blame her, I hate them also). She is about 14 pounds and 25 inches. The dr said that she is growing really well and that she is a smart little girl (She is ahead on most of her developmental milestones). She also recently started trying to roll from her back onto her tummy. She gets about 3/4 of the way over and then gets stuck on her arm.  We are going to start her on solids this weekend...we'll see how that goes. Although it won't actually be her first time eating real food (she has had mashed potatoes and ice cream) it will be her first time with rice cereal. The dr said that we could wait to start this if we want to but Madie is just so interested in food that we will probably give it a shot this weekend some time (I want Zach to be able to be there for it). 

She also discovered her feet recently. It is cute to watch her play with them.

This picture is just cute! :)
So you might be thinking to yourself...what about Ashley? Not much is new with my life, aside from what all is going on with Madie. I am working on a few crafty projects for Christmas gifts but I can't really give any more information than that since some of the people who will be recipients of the gifts read my blog. I will try to remember to take pictures of them and post about it after Christmas. I am also trying to find time to work on Madie's scrapbook and make bows for her head. Every once in a while I find some time but it is usually a rare occasion since I am usually too tired to do anything after she goes to bed and she doesn't like to nap for more than 20 or 30 minutes at a time (and I'll be honest, I can't get much done in that amount of time). 
On a random side note - our computer that has been broken for the last few months fixed itself. We don't know what was wrong with it before, it wouldn't even turn on and Zach noticed last night that it was on, so he turned the monitor on and sure enough it works! We are kind of confused by this but greatful that it is working.