Thursday, May 29, 2008

Two Weeks

Madison is now two weeks old. She is as cute as ever and now has a belly button! Ok, so she had the belly button the whole time, her cord is just no longer there to cover it up. Things are going well for all three of us, Madie has been a great baby so far and made adjusting pretty easy. Her next drs appt is tomorrow so we'll find out how much she has grown since last week and update you all then! :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weigh In...

Madie had her drs appt yesterday and at 8 days old she passed her birth weight. She is now 9 pounds and 1 ounce. All is going well... knock on wood. I couldn't have asked for a better baby! She is usually pretty calm and happy, except when bath time rolls around. I just keep telling myself that she will eventually get used to it, but since that is pretty much the only time she screams I can't really complain.
Well Madie is done eating so I'm going back to bed. :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

She's Here!!!

Our little princess was born on Thursday morning at 5:10. She weighs 9 pounds and is 21 inches long.

Monday, May 12, 2008

No Room at the Inn

At 5:30 this morning when I got a call from the hospital that they didn't have any room for me to come in for my scheduled induction I wondered if that is kind of how Mary the mother of Jesus felt when they were turned away from the inns.
It is a very depressing feeling...
Seeing as how I am already a week overdue, hopefully it won't be very much longer before they have a bed available. To those of you who go into labor on your own...count your blessings. Needless to say, it has been a very long week. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but it is king of hard to not have tunnel vision at this point.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Not Yet... :(

Sadly, with my official due date drawing near to a close we have no baby yet. :(

Thursday, May 1, 2008

We're Getting Closer

We're getting closer to the arrival of Madison. My official due date is on Monday but I got some good news at my drs appointment yesterday. I'm dilated to 2! (That made me excited because I wasn't dilated at all before that...I was starting to worry I wasn't ever going to on my own) Joni, the p.a. that I saw, stripped my membranes which didn't hurt despite what everyone around me said. I hoping she has the magic touch and that doing so will get the ball rolling on this whole labor thing pretty soon.
I've had lots and lots of contractions and hopefully one of these days they will actually start doing something for me! :)
We'll try to keep everyone updated and hopefully the next post will include a picture of our new baby!