Monday, December 28, 2009

Really, me? But I'm Nobody!

So everybody who is anybody in the crafty-blogging world (plus most of us nobodys) knows of Amy from Mod Podge Rocks. Well she just made my day! I got this comment on my craft blog on the post about the cardboard box oven I made for Madie for Christmas:

Mod Podge Amy said...

Are you serious?? This is SO CUTE - Can I please repost it??

All I have to say is...Amy, are YOU serious!?!?!? 
Ok, well that isn't really all I have to say. She has a flickr group where you can upload pics of projects you've done using Mod Podge that she checks to find things to post about and I didn't even upload the oven to it! She found me! It is so funny too because I even thought about her and her love affair with Mod Podge several times while making the oven and blogging about it. I wondered what she would think of it...well now I know! 
And since I doubt that many of you care much at all about this anyway, I will stop rambling.    

Saturday, December 26, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We are blessed to have such wonderful families and to be able to spend some time with them recently. We got a box of #10 cans from Tim & Summer. I'm excited to try the wheat, since I've never used it before in anything. We also got a hysterical card from Adam (Zach's brother). Inside was a gift card and $20. My first thought was "Dang! Adam must be loaded!" because it was way more than I was expecting (especially since I wasn't really expecting anything). Here is the message: "Alright, so if you two don't like Olive Garden, blame Mom. Cuz she's the one that was so sure of it. Ok? Haha. And the $20 is me paying you back, Zach, for all that money I stole out of your A&W glass for school lunches when I was a freshman. I'm not sure how much I took, so I just decided to be safe and go with 20."
I busted up laughing!!! Then I read it to Zach and he busted up laughing! Adam, you're always good for a laugh. :) We'll miss you someday when you leave.
Madison got a little ride on toy that plays the Muffin Man song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She LOVES it! She gets on and plays the music (only Twinkle Twinkle, for some reason she doesn't like the Muffin Man song) and dances away. It is so cute. I'll have to get a video of it sometime for her Grammy & Grandpa to see.
Since I'm sure you all don't really care what all we got for Christmas from every single person we are related to, I'll do a quick sum up of the rest. Baby stroller for Madie from my parents along with some books and clothes. I also got clothes (super awesome story on that to follow) and Zach got some thing to draw on for his computer. It is called a VisTablet, in you are curious and want to google it. Sarah made us a cute nativity wall hanging that I'll have to get a pic of later.
For the awesome clothes story. I found a pair of jeans at Kohls in the 90% off section. It wasn't the size I normally wear but I had never heard of the brand before so I figured I would give them a try. Well lucky for me they fit! So how much were my jeans? Regular price $40. Awesome! I just scored $40 jeans for $4...but wait...there's more. We go to checkout and they don't ring up at $4...they ring up for $3! Plus we got an extra 15% off! Yep, $40 jeans for $2.55!!! I also got another pair of jeans, but they weren't as good of a deal (regularly $40, we paid just over $5).
Pictures of our Christmas adventures in a post below this one and if you are looking for pictures of things I crafted for others this year, check out my other blog: There are several posts of things I made so be sure to scroll down.

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

I didn't do it

The other day we were driving in the car and Madie was eating goldfish. There weren't very many left so when she ate them all she said "all done". So I asked her if she ate all the goldfish. Her response - No
Me: Then who ate all the goldfish?
Madie: Grandpa

A few days later we had this conversation (also while in the car) -
Madie: All done
Me: Did you eat all of the M&Ms?
Madie: No
Me: Who ate them? (expecting her to say Grandpa again)
Madie: Grandma

She makes me laugh.

Christmas 2009 slideshows

Way too many to upload so here is a slideshow. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Part One: Random Madie Cuteness & Muffins
Madie loves to help me in the kitchen. On this particular morning she was using the slap chop to help me make...

...these super delicious muffins! I just took a boxed blueberry muffin mix and made according to the package directions except when it came time to stir in the blueberries I also added a pinch of cinnamon, some white chocolate chips (this is where the slap chop came in, since I was making mini muffins I wanted mini pieces of chocolate) and some coconut and then sprinkled coconut on top so that it would get nice and golden. I don't think I can eat a plain blueberry muffin again!

Random cute picture of Madie in her jammies

Part Two: Birthday Celebrations
I wanted a Black Forest Cake for my birthday treat and this is what I came up with. I took a boxed chocolate cake mix and added some extras (which will not be named in case my dad is reading this) for moistness. I put sweetened whipped cream and canned cherry pie filling in between the two layers of super moist chocolatey cake and on top - chocolate ganache topped with more pie filling and surrounded by whipped cream swirls (wait for ganache to set up before you try to pipe whipped cream swirls around the edge of the cake or they will slide off...don't ask me how I know this!).

When we celebrated my birthday, we also celebrated my aunt Wendi's and Katie's. Katie got this Curious George toy that zooms around the floor and lifts his hat up to play peek-a-boo. The kids had so much fun playing with it. They would push the button to make him go and then run away so that he couldn't get them. There was a lot of laughter and screaming coming out of that kitchen.

Zach gave me this rose when he got home from school on my birthday. The way the light was hitting it just looked so beautiful that I had to take a picture (or three). While if I were to buy roses for myself, white would not be my first choice, they have sentimental significance to Zach and me. He brought me a single white rose on our first date and 2 dozen when he proposed, so I always think it is sweet when he gives me white roses.

Part Three: Girls Time
We have spent a lot of time with Jenny & Katie recently. Madie loves those girls so much, it is so cute to watch them together.

Here the girls are decorating turkeys with food. This was something Jenny had to do for school and so Grandpa made copies for each of the little girls also. Good thing Elmer's glue is non-toxic!

Jenny & Katie spent the night last night. Jenny is such a good big sister (and cousin, although I think if you were to ask her, Madie would tell you that Jenny is her sister also).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chicken, Daddy & Pooh Bear

What do all of these things have in common?

Well, let me share with you our conversation while on the way home from church on Sunday:
Me - (after noticing that her lesson in nursery was on being thankful) Madie, what are you thankful for?
Madie - chicken
Me - (after laughing) What else?
Madie - chicken
Me - Besides chicken, what are you thankful for?
Madie - Daddy
Me - What else?
Madie - Pooh Bear

I know I missed a chicken in there somewhere because she gave that answer three times! I must admit, the girl does like her chicken :)

After a quick perusal of my blog I didn't notice this pic, so here you go. Please disregard the poor quality, but what can you expect from a camera on a cell phone?

Thanks Amber & Jessica for the fun play date yesterday! It was nice to feel like I have friends again.

On two other random notes -
I got the coat I previously posted about! :) It makes me happy...and warm, which makes me even happier!

I've featured on someone else's blog! (In case you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, basically this means that some random person found my craft site and liked one of my projects so she blogged about it). I felt excited, proud, and unworthy all at the same time. It is an interesting combination of feelings to have all at once.

I have several pics that I would like to upload and blog about, but (I'll be honest with you) I just don't feel like walking across the house to get the camera out of the diaper bag. Plus I would have to find the cord to plug it into the computer and that doesn't sound like much fun either. Maybe tomorrow?

Friday, November 6, 2009

October Updates

I figured that I better get caught up on posting before anything else blog-worthy happens!
We took Madie to a pumpkin patch where she got to pick out her own pumpkin, decorate it, go through a hay maze and look at some farm animals. She had a good time.

Trying to decide which one to take home...

She really enjoyed putting stickers on the pumpkin...and then taking them off...and putting them back on...
I think you get the picture.

She got all excited when she saw this little cabin but as we got closer she wanted nothing to do with it. Zach had to go in with her.

It took her a little while to figure out what was going on, but once she did she had fun running through the maze.

Our little butterfly right before we started the loop.

We went trick-or-treating with Kristi, Cliff and their girls and one of Jenny's friends and Ana and her friend Matt. We walked around the block that my aunt and grandma and cousin live on. It was the perfect little loop. There were enough houses that Madie's basket was over half full (still way more candy than she needs) but short enough that she was ok walking for most of it. I think I only carried her for the last 6 or so houses. I was pleased that she wasn't scared during the whole process. I figured it would go one of two ways...she would be terrified at all the strangers or she would realize that she got candy at each house and be excited. What can I say...she likes her candy! As soon as we were done with one house she was ready to go to the next one!
Helping herself to some candy.

She also enjoyed all of the pumpkins and other decorations. I think Christmas is going to be fun this year!

This is the only pic I had of Jenny. She was Dora the Explorer...

and Katie was Boots the monkey!

Thanks for inviting us to go with you, Kristi!

p.s. - Kohls is having a sale this weekend, get 20% off $100 or more, so between that and the $20 in Kohls cash my mom has the coat would only end up costing a little over $50. There will probably be pics of me wearing it in the near future :D

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm in love...

...with this coat! I saw someone wearing a similar one last Saturday and instantly fell in love and decided that I wanted to find me a similar one. I saw this today at Kohls and tried it on and LOVED the way it looked on me, but there is one tiny (ok LARGE) problem...
Croft and Barrow Hooded Wool Coat costs $180.00!!!  It is on sale for $90 right now and I do have a birthday coming up...but the coat would only get worn for part of the year (plus on Sundays, I know it's wool but it really is that cold in our church building) and I could really use some new clothes that I could wear all year long.
I'm hoping I can find something similar at Ross (or any place that it won't cost me 100 bucks)!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A quick post

I have quite a bit to post about, but I'm not going to right now. I'm too tired with too big of a headache and with too many other things I'd rather be doing, so I'll do it later. I did want to get the pics of Madie in her Halloween costume for this year up. She is a little butterfly and she is too stinkin' cute in her costume.
You can see the wings better when she stands up but I was lucky she let me even put the costume on her this morning, so maybe this weekend I'll get better pics.

Here you can see the wings better. Also, she will have pink bows in her hair on Saturday, not red. The antenna are too heavy to stand up on their own when she moves, so I just grabbed the nearest clips to see if that would help them stand up, and it did (I would just have her wear the traditional antenna on a headband but she won't leave one in for very long, but she will usually leave her pigtails alone).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finally starting to feel better

We were all sick last sucked. Zach & Madie both got over it fairly quickly but for some reason I just couldn't seem to shake it. I finally started feeling a little better yesterday (I started feeling sick last Monday). So now I get to play catch up on all of the things that I neglected for a week.

We had a kitten adopt us. Yes, you read that right...he picked us (I don't actually know the gender of the cat). As Madie and I were walking into the kitchen to get breakfast one morning she saw a cat on the fence outside the front door. So we had to stop so she could wave. I opened the door thinking the cat would jump into the grass and run away like every other cat has done. I was wrong! He came right up to us and starting purring and rubbing against my leg. You would think I fed the cat because he hung around for several days. He even enjoyed sitting on the front lawn right outside Madie's window, which she absolutely loved. Then one day he just disappeared. She still says "bye meow" when we walk past the front door.
Here is the little guy, sorry the picture is sideways but I don't care enough to go back and fix it.

Madie is really learning to like the weekends. She becomes my parents' shadow. She loves to just follow them around and see what's going on. My dad poured concrete about a week ago on the side of the house for the addition. She thought it was great to run up and down it. She also wanted to help grandpa. She was so funny to watch.

My mom sat her in the middle of the jacaranda tree and she loved that!

She also helped me make cookies the other day. :)

I don't know where she comes up with these ideas, but this is where she decided she wanted to sit to eat her snack the other day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Odd fruits

So I was cutting an apple for Madie yesterday and just had to take a picture. I thought it was so funny how different in size the two sides of the apple were. I think Lori thought I was a little nuts for how funny I thought it was, but when you stay home you learn to find the joy in the little lop-sided apples.

To go right along with my odd apple is this:

What is that? A turban pumpkin. I had never heard of or seen one in my life before Wednesday. We were at Sprouts with my mom and they had them. We're not sure if you're actually supposed to eat it :) I thought it would look cool just sitting on the table all month long but the sucker was heavy and at 77 cents/lb I thought it would be out of my budget for something that I wasn't going to do anything with. Maybe another year...

I ordered business cards a few weeks ago. I think they are super cute. It made me feel so professional when they came :)

This picture kind of goes with the odd fruits. She sleeps in the weirdest positions sometimes.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fruit snacks + teething = what was I thinking?!?!

So Madie loves the Curious George fruit snacks, simply because there is a monkey on the box. She found a box of them this morning in the pantry room and wanted one, but I told her she had to eat breakfast first. So we ended up taking them to church. I guess I forgot how much she drools when she is teething...oops! There are lovely redish pink spots all over her white onesie and my white shirt.

The monkeys are staying home next time.

Madie is getting to be quite the talker. She is picking up new words all the time. This is for my own purposes (for when I get all caught up on her baby book), she says: butter (for butterfly), elmo, want, salt shake shake, grandpa, grandma, burrito, apple, popcorn, window (apparently), pugsley, baby, bye bye, hi, thank you, bubble, book, diaper, big bird, out (for outside), ball, shoe, shoo (I know it sounds the same as shoe, but she says it when she sees flies), dog, ruff, kitty cat, meow, bird, tweet, quack, roar, vroom (for cars), bus, catch, mama, dad, no, ok and she knows the sounds for giraffes (clicking tongue), peacocks, and monkeys.
Katie is to the point of starting to make her own sentences and it's fun to think that that is just around the corner for Madie.

A couple of weekends ago, my dad was working on the sprinklers in the backyard and Madie wanted to help. It was really cute to watch.

Since Zach and I are both still alive I guess I'll give a little update on each of us. Zach is super busy with school. I can't imagine what it would be like if he were working 40 hours/week. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that he got laid off and is now working for ASU (not to confuse anyone, he only got laid off the one time). He is serving as the deacon's advisor and seems to really enjoy it. He has already been camping with them even. He has always wanted to serve with the young men.
I've just been working away at my bow site to get it to look how I want it to. Thankfully I have a brother who is really good with computers and coding and all of that, otherwise there is no way I could have reorganized things how they are now. Which, if you haven't checked out the site since my original post about it, you should and let me know what you think (click here)! I've had a few orders and in about one week I'm going to be sponsoring the site Make It and Love It and I'm really excited for that. I'm hoping to bring in some more business through that. More details about that next week.
I really miss my friends from my last ward. I feel like I haven't made any new friends yet. There are a few people at church that I'll talk to when I see them, but not much goes on during the week, and that has been hard for me and for Madie. It is a little better now that Jenny is in school because we see Kristi and Katie at least once a week now. I don't know what I would do without my family around!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Project: Flip Flops

Madie needed some new shoes. She outgrew all of her sandals and it is still too hot for shoes that require socks, which was all she had that fit. So I went to Target and found these on sale for about $6. They weren't my favorite shoes, but they had potential and a price tag that I liked.

First things first I got rid of the ugly knot at the top of the shoe. Since I couldn't just cut it off completely I did this:

That was an improvement. But I knew I could make them better still. I had originally planned on cutting the sequins off and attaching ribbon but each sequin was individually sewn on and that was more effort than I was willing to put forth. As I contemplated for a couple of days what to do with these new shoes, the sequins grew on me. So I let them stay and added a cute little flower. They turned out way cuter than I had pictured in my head (I love it when that happens!).

I'm not sure how much Madie likes actually wearing them but she loves putting them on and taking them off!