Sunday, September 20, 2009

Project: Flip Flops

Madie needed some new shoes. She outgrew all of her sandals and it is still too hot for shoes that require socks, which was all she had that fit. So I went to Target and found these on sale for about $6. They weren't my favorite shoes, but they had potential and a price tag that I liked.

First things first I got rid of the ugly knot at the top of the shoe. Since I couldn't just cut it off completely I did this:

That was an improvement. But I knew I could make them better still. I had originally planned on cutting the sequins off and attaching ribbon but each sequin was individually sewn on and that was more effort than I was willing to put forth. As I contemplated for a couple of days what to do with these new shoes, the sequins grew on me. So I let them stay and added a cute little flower. They turned out way cuter than I had pictured in my head (I love it when that happens!).

I'm not sure how much Madie likes actually wearing them but she loves putting them on and taking them off!