Monday, July 28, 2008

You're So Vain...

So we have this cute little play matt thing (that we are borrowing from my sister) and it plays music and has toys that hang down. Well there is this mirror on it and Madison discovered herself the other day and was fascinated! It was quite entertaining to watch her make faces at herself in the mirror. She often stares at herself when she is on it...for ten minutes at a time!

This is what happens when Zach babysits...
He finds it very entertaining to take funny pictures of Madie.
Snuggling with her bear blankie...

I realize that not everyone is as obsessed with Madie as, say, I am...but I just love the faces that she makes. How could you not find this face just adorable!?!?

Sorry to those of you who view our blog wanting to find out what is new with Zach & me. I realize that Madie is pretty much the only thing that I post about, but she is just so much more entertaining that we are. Plus, not much is new with us. So, for now you will just have to continue to deal with my obsession! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Pictures

Well Madie had her two month shots last was not fun. I just hate it when she crys and gets so upset, which is probably how most mothers feel about their children. So needless to say, she was a bit of a fuss on Friday night.

Here are the stats from her appt: she weighs 11 pounds and is 23 1/2 inches long. This puts her right in the 50th % for weight and in the 90th % for her height. I guess this explains why she looks skinnier than other babies about her age even though she is a normal weight.

She had pictures scheduled for Saturday morning but she cried hysterically the second I set her down. My mom is blaming it on the shots but I think it had more to do with the fact that she had just woken up from a nap and was in a new place that she had never been before. Who knows.

Madie is getting really good at rolling over, however she won't perform for an audience yet. She also decided on Saturday that she can now hold her head up while on her tummy.
In the process of rolling over...
Hello world! Look at me!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2 Months!

I can't believe my baby is two months old now. Where does the time go? Madie is using her arms a lot more now. She still doesn't bend them at the elbow much but they are not always at her side, so that is good. She has also now discovered spit bubbles. They make a frequent appearance on her face :)

I think she is going to be very determined and hard headed when she grows up since she has pretty much been this way since she was born. She likes to do things on her own can't really force her to do something she doesn't want to do without a fight. I guess I don't really have anyone to blame but myself for this trait of hers. Her two month check up is on Friday and I am scared because she has to get her first shots :( I am not sure how she will take it.

Saturday was my sister and nephews birthday so we had a party. It was the first time we got pictures of all the grandkids together. So here is Madie with all of her cousins...

From left to right: Curtis, Abigial, Benjamin (all Dustin and Sarah's kids), Katie and Jenny (they belong to Kristi and Cliff) and our sweet little Madison.

On Saturday we have an appointment to get Madie's pictures taken. My mom already finished her blessing dress so we might have some taken with her in it. It is way cute and I'm sure will look even cuter on Madie. Once we have those I will post pics for all to see!

Friday, July 4, 2008

She's Growing Up

Our little one is growing up so fast. In just over a week she will be two months old. She is closing in on 11 pounds, she's not quite there yet but I'm sure it won't be long. Last night she had a was the first time she rolled over. She was on her tummy (which she absolutely hates!) and she managed to lift her head to where it was on the outside of her arm and wouldn't you know just a few seconds later she was on her back. Zach and I found it very entertaining...Madie cried. She did it again today...which Zach caught the last part of on video. You can watch it below if you would like :) It wasn't as funny today because she took longer to flip but it's still pretty cool. Here she is just chillin' on the couch watching tv... one of her favorite pastimes

She is starting to get very smiley!

She is finally starting to move her arms away from the side of her body!

This picture is just cute :)