Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fruit snacks + teething = what was I thinking?!?!

So Madie loves the Curious George fruit snacks, simply because there is a monkey on the box. She found a box of them this morning in the pantry room and wanted one, but I told her she had to eat breakfast first. So we ended up taking them to church. I guess I forgot how much she drools when she is teething...oops! There are lovely redish pink spots all over her white onesie and my white shirt.

The monkeys are staying home next time.

Madie is getting to be quite the talker. She is picking up new words all the time. This is for my own purposes (for when I get all caught up on her baby book), she says: butter (for butterfly), elmo, want, salt shake shake, grandpa, grandma, burrito, apple, popcorn, window (apparently), pugsley, baby, bye bye, hi, thank you, bubble, book, diaper, big bird, out (for outside), ball, shoe, shoo (I know it sounds the same as shoe, but she says it when she sees flies), dog, ruff, kitty cat, meow, bird, tweet, quack, roar, vroom (for cars), bus, catch, mama, dad, no, ok and she knows the sounds for giraffes (clicking tongue), peacocks, and monkeys.
Katie is to the point of starting to make her own sentences and it's fun to think that that is just around the corner for Madie.

A couple of weekends ago, my dad was working on the sprinklers in the backyard and Madie wanted to help. It was really cute to watch.

Since Zach and I are both still alive I guess I'll give a little update on each of us. Zach is super busy with school. I can't imagine what it would be like if he were working 40 hours/week. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that he got laid off and is now working for ASU (not to confuse anyone, he only got laid off the one time). He is serving as the deacon's advisor and seems to really enjoy it. He has already been camping with them even. He has always wanted to serve with the young men.
I've just been working away at my bow site to get it to look how I want it to. Thankfully I have a brother who is really good with computers and coding and all of that, otherwise there is no way I could have reorganized things how they are now. Which, if you haven't checked out the site since my original post about it, you should and let me know what you think (click here)! I've had a few orders and in about one week I'm going to be sponsoring the site Make It and Love It and I'm really excited for that. I'm hoping to bring in some more business through that. More details about that next week.
I really miss my friends from my last ward. I feel like I haven't made any new friends yet. There are a few people at church that I'll talk to when I see them, but not much goes on during the week, and that has been hard for me and for Madie. It is a little better now that Jenny is in school because we see Kristi and Katie at least once a week now. I don't know what I would do without my family around!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Project: Flip Flops

Madie needed some new shoes. She outgrew all of her sandals and it is still too hot for shoes that require socks, which was all she had that fit. So I went to Target and found these on sale for about $6. They weren't my favorite shoes, but they had potential and a price tag that I liked.

First things first I got rid of the ugly knot at the top of the shoe. Since I couldn't just cut it off completely I did this:

That was an improvement. But I knew I could make them better still. I had originally planned on cutting the sequins off and attaching ribbon but each sequin was individually sewn on and that was more effort than I was willing to put forth. As I contemplated for a couple of days what to do with these new shoes, the sequins grew on me. So I let them stay and added a cute little flower. They turned out way cuter than I had pictured in my head (I love it when that happens!).

I'm not sure how much Madie likes actually wearing them but she loves putting them on and taking them off!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I thought the post Zach did about me on our anniversary was so sweet. I felt so bad because I didn't even notice it until I saw in my email that someone had commented on it. Oops!
Apparently I was totally out of it concerning our anniversary this year. That morning I was making pancakes for Zach and Madie for breakfast. So sweet of me, right? Well I was about to pour the batter for Zach's when they said the date on the news and that's when I realized that it was our anniversary. Oops again. So I made his pancakes into hearts.
This has nothing to do with anything, but I think it's a cute picture. Madie loves to help me bake, and especially loves to help with the clean up!
I had never seen this before in my life!!! Do you see it???
In the top left part of my bowl of cereal is a triple, yes that's right, TRIPLE mini wheat. I have seen two stuck together on several occasions, but never three. I had to take a picture.

If this kid ever gets a cavity I will be shocked beyond belief!
She loves to brush her teeth and the other day I caught her like this...
Apparently one toothbrush wasn't doing to job, she needed two!

Hopefully I'll get to posting more regularly now that I just about have everything all settled with the bow site (which is going pretty well in case you were wondering).
My next post...probably some cute videos of Madie and one of Katie (since we all know Kristi's not going to post it :) ).