Friday, July 30, 2010

Joining the "Private" bandwagon

I've been considering doing this for quite some time now. I'm going to make this blog private. Please just send me a email or leave a comment on this post with your email address so that I can invite you to read our blog.

Why am I going private?
I've received too many hits from countries where I don't know anybody there and also the number of spam comments I'm getting have increased lately.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Exciting News!

It's been nearly two years since this happened...

but now we have this!
Yep, we bought a car!

It's been almost two years since the Saturn was totaled and we've been with only one car. We have been very fortunate to be able to borrow my mom's car a lot and to have my sister drive Madie & me around. Thanks so much mom & Kristi!!! We seriously wouldn't have been able to get around with out your help.

It's a 2007 Malibu. All day long Madie kept saying "daddy home, blue car" meaning "when daddy's home we're going to get a blue car". As we were getting ready to leave the guy's house tonight I asked Madie if she wanted to ride home in the green car or the blue car and she looked at me with her eyes all big and said "blue car!" And then she cried when I made her come in the house instead of letting her play in the car. I think she likes it :)

And no we didn't buy a house or camera battery is dead so I took a picture off of the craigslist ad.