Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Photo Shoot

Sometimes I can't believe how quickly Madison is growing! She can sit up all by herself now. She actually started doing this a week or two ago. I thought it would be fun to get pictures of her sitting up. 
She loves to read...her favorite book right now is her Minnie Ballerina book that she got from her Aunt Kristi. 
She also loves her COW rattle (it is a COW, Lori!!!). It is one of the easiest for her to get into her mouth :)
Apparently my computer didn't save the red eye removal on this picture :/ But I still think she looks super cute!

I loved this picture, with her looking away...too bad it is blurry :(

Other than our child, who is growing like a weed, not much is new. We are still working on getting everything with the car worked out with the insurance company and still waiting to hear from the other specialist about an appointment for Madie's elbows. Zach is doing really well in his classes, which he should be given how much time he spends working on his projects.  
Keep your eyes out for a post with Madie going trick-or-treating on Halloween with her cousins (she's going to be a ballerina).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rollie Pollie

Our little miss Madison has decided to be a rollie pollie. She figured out how to roll onto her tummy a few weeks ago (she has been rolling onto her back since she was 6 weeks old) but hasn't rolled much, until this week. She apparently decided that she enjoys rolling all over the floor and she has done it more and more each day this week. Almost every time I put her on the floor yesterday she started I video taped it. Enjoy :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I think this is my first time being tagged (at least that I've noticed...I wasn't very good at reading other people's blogs until recently) so here we go...

* Madison...what more need I say?
*Zach...especially now that he is so busy with homework all of the time
*Making crafts, mostly as Christmas gifts for family
* Making bows for my beautiful little girl's head
* Scrapbooking...I've come a long way from my days of simply putting a picture on a piece of paper all by itself
* Hanging out with my family
* Reading other people's blogs...yes, I even read blogs of people I don't know
* Trying new recipes...if any of you have a good one feel free to let me know!

* Hello missy boo
* Doh
* No mas aqui (usually when Zach is tickling me)
* Uh oh (when Madie drops her pacie)
*Well now you lost it (when it is the third or fourth time she has dropped it/spit it out)
* Good heavens
* Madison Taylor, you're ok (Madie cries almost any time I leave the room)
* Momma's gonna get you

* Go on a mission with my love
* Have more kids
* Graduate from college (although this would require picking a major)
* Take a church history tour (yes I have done this before but I was so young...I would like to do it again)
* Buy a house
* Go to culinary school
* Take up photography again...I miss it sometimes
* Ride on an old-fashon horse-drawn sleigh through the snow on a wintery evening with Zach (yes, Heather, I stole this one from you)

*I need other people's help sometimes
*How to switch the laundry with one hand
*How to do the dishes with one hand
*How to do just about everything with one hand (Can you tell miss Madie likes to be held)
*I would rather be sick than have Madie or Zach be sick
*How to make hair bows (don't get me wrong, I'm no pro)
*When I feel like I don't fit in it is usually all in my head
*Marriage can be a lot of work sometimes

*Salt Lake during Christmas time, I want to see the temple lights
*The Nauvoo Temple
*The San Diego Temple
*The Portland Temple (this is Zach's temple)
*The beach...just about any beach as long as the water is warm
*One of Paula Dean's restaurants

*I want to sleep through the night for more than a few nights in a row (ok, so maybe that is too much to ask of a 4 month old)
*I want more time with Zach
*I would love for Madie to take a nap for longer than 30 minutes on a consistent basis
*I want the desire to excercise more
*I need to be better about writing in my and Madie's journals
*I want it to be Christmas time
*I want to not get so upset about the little things
*I want to get our smushed car fixed


I know it only says to tag 8 people but I actually want to tag anyone that reads our blog :)

That actually was harder than I was expecting it to be!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So Zach got in a car accident on Saturday. It pretty much crunched the front passenger side of the Saturn. I was not a happy camper to say the least! The lady was willing to admit that it was all her fault and has been pretty cooperative so far. He was turning left onto Country Club getting off of the 60 and a lady ran a red light (trying not to be late for work...don't you love the irony?) and smashed into Zach. Luckily he is ok...sadly the car is not so much. The picture doesn't really do it justice. Then we found out yesterday while working with the lady's insurance company that she no longer had coverage with them. She is an illegal and drives her ex-husband's truck and he apparently cancelled the policy...go figure. Hopefully we can get this whole mess worked out pretty soon here. 

On a different note...Madie has her appt with the orthopedic dr tomorrow. I'm really hoping that will go well and that there are some excercises I can do with her to loosen up her arms and that there isn't anything serious that is wrong. 
And as usual, here are some pics that I just thought were cute, for your viewing pleasure :)