Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Photo Shoot

Sometimes I can't believe how quickly Madison is growing! She can sit up all by herself now. She actually started doing this a week or two ago. I thought it would be fun to get pictures of her sitting up. 
She loves to read...her favorite book right now is her Minnie Ballerina book that she got from her Aunt Kristi. 
She also loves her COW rattle (it is a COW, Lori!!!). It is one of the easiest for her to get into her mouth :)
Apparently my computer didn't save the red eye removal on this picture :/ But I still think she looks super cute!

I loved this picture, with her looking away...too bad it is blurry :(

Other than our child, who is growing like a weed, not much is new. We are still working on getting everything with the car worked out with the insurance company and still waiting to hear from the other specialist about an appointment for Madie's elbows. Zach is doing really well in his classes, which he should be given how much time he spends working on his projects.  
Keep your eyes out for a post with Madie going trick-or-treating on Halloween with her cousins (she's going to be a ballerina).


  1. I still say it's a zebra. Has anyone out there ever seen a striped cow? I think not.

    Adorable pictures though! You should post more! Even though I just barely saw her a few hours ago, I never tire of pictures of my most adorable nieces and nephews!

  2. I concur! Glad to hear Zach is doing well with his classes! You can throw in more picture of his epic projects, too, if you'd like :-D
