Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Madie was a ballerina for her 1st Halloween. I made her tutu and it turned out soooo cute and pink and fluffy! She didn't really seem too impressed by trick-or-treating, but I wasn't really expecting much. Two of Zach's sisters and one of his brothers stopped by for pictures with Madie (I will have to post these pics later since I left my camera at my sister's house) and his parents sent her a 1st Halloween card in the mail, I thought that was so sweet. 
Madie's arms are starting to make some improvements. Her elbows still don't bend all of the way but she can now get her pacie in her mouth on her own! Hooray! Just in time for us to start limiting pacie use to the crib and carseat, go figure! She is getting to be quite the little smartie. She knows to bring her hands together when I start to sing "If you're happy and you know it" to her. She can't clap them on her own yet...but it is still super cute. 
Zach hasn't received his official grade for his last project yet, but when the professor walked by last week to look at his model he made the comment that it looked like a 5 out of 5, perfect, just what they were looking for. He was so excited about that that he called me as soon as his class got out. It was cute. He only has 2 more projects for the semester for his uber time consuming class! YAY! If he continues to get super good grades like he has then he will be finished with that class before Thanksgiving!
And for your viewing pleasure...
Ballerina Madie

She is so proud of herself when she picks something up off the floor while sitting up!
She also likes to drink out of my cup...she always thinks she needs it when I go to take a drink.


  1. She is really quite photogenic. All of her pictures are just so adorable!
    Tell Zach congrats on his project!
    Why didn't you get a pic of Zach as Indiana Jones holding his little ballerina? ;)

  2. eee, I can't even think of a comment other than how adorable she is!

    Well, also kudos to Zach for bringing his A game :-D

    And a random note, my word verification letters are "Liggly" and that is weird sounding.

    Haha, happy belated halloween.

  3. I super love the second picture of her! What a doll!

  4. Isaiah loves to drink from our cup also. Whenever he sees us drinking he starts smacking his lips until we give him some. She is growing up fast. Super cute!

  5. She is the cutest little thing EVER! I can't wait to see her! Whenever you are free lets go to dinner or lunch or anything:)

  6. Thnaks for sharing Ashley. I love to check out your blog to see how you all are doing. Check out Madie's pics on my blog spot.

    Love ya,

  7. Ashley - so sorry about walking last night. I ended up being out at that time unexpectedly and did not have your phone number with me. I will program it in so that I have it next time.

