Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dangers of Nyquil, Birthday and 6 months!

Saturday night at 3:00 Zach got up to blow his nose. Well it woke Madie up (she had been sleeping in the swing in our bedroom because she had a stuffy nose) and she wouldn't go back to sleep. So I got up with her and when I got back in bed Zach was hoging all of the pillows, which is not his usual behavior. I was quite annoyed with Zach, because he knows better than to just blow his nose with Madie right there (this was not the first time he has awakened her with such noises, but usually we are both still awake when this has happened). I come to find out in the morning that he has no recollection of this what so ever! How could he not hear our screaming child, you ask? He took some Nyquil before going to bed to help with his cold. I told him that he is not allowed to take such drugs before bed since it makes him, as he put it, sleep walk. (Call it what you want, he's not the one that had to get up with Madie)

Thanks to all my familiy for the wonderful birthday gifts and wishes. It is always nice to know people are thinking of you on your birthday (for those who don't knAdd Videoow my birthday was on Monday).

And speaking of Monday, Madison had her 6 month check up. She turned 6 months last Saturday. She is 15.5 pounds and 26.5 inches long. This puts her just average for her weight and in the 75th percentile for her height. She is doing really well with eating "solid" foods. So far she has only had squash and carrots. She really liked the squash and she liked the carrots at first but the last two times I tried giving them to her she didn't really want them (not sure if it is because of the taste or because she just got shots and so she isn't her normal self quite yet). In another couple of weeks we are going to try giving her real solid foods, starting with puffs. We'll see how that goes! Here is a look back at our sweet baby girl's 6 months of life. (I will try to not put pictures that I have already posted, but I make no promises)

I have been all cheeks since birth!

1 month - A rare moment on my tummy
2 months - I can hold my head up now

3 months - I got blessed by my awesome daddy
4 months - right before first attempt at rice cereal

5 months - I love to give kisses!
6 months - My arms are getting so much better...I like to chew on my thumb...
and get into everything. I especially love to empty the diaper bin!
Anything I can see I need! Don't I look so great in mommy's sunglasses!?!


  1. Hahaha, Nick doesn't need to take medicine to be a complete zombie at night. There have been more than a dozen occasions where we will have conversations in bed and he will not remember them the next day! Hope Zach feels better, for everyone!

    I LOVE the last picture, too cute!

  2. Zach's dad does not need any medicine to not hear the babies at night. Kind of makes you mad when they can sleep right through it.

    Great pictures! Madie's arm is looking really good. When could we come over on Saturday with a belated birthday gift?


  3. The last picture is great! I love the expression on Madie's face

  4. She is one wild and crazy kiddo

  5. She just gets more and more cute with every picture! Happy birthday girly:)

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (sorry late)Thats a funny Zach story, but sorry he is sick. And I love Madies cheeks!
