Friday, November 21, 2008

Smarty Pants, Five, Awesome Parking Skills

Zach got his grade back for project 4...he got 12.94 out of 13! It was the highest grade out of all of the students, and there are about 350 students in his class! So that makes at least 2 out of 6 projects that he got the highest grade in the class! I'm so proud of him!!! On Monday he should find out his grade on project 5 and he turns in project 6 (his last one, HOORAY!). So in just a few days I will get my hubby back, for a couple of weeks at least.

Madie has a new trick. She likes to give high five! It is more like a low five, but close enough. It is super cute to see her learning new things. She also got a sippie cup today. I figured since she won't take a bottle I might as well try giving her a sippie cup. She does pretty well with it. I handed it to her and she immediately put it in her mouth and started chewing on it. After a few minutes I could hear that she was sucking on it, so I put some water in and it she drank some of it! Hopefully, this will mean that I can start leaving her with other people and not have to worry so much about getting back in time to feed her. :)

So I took Madie to a drs appt yesterday up in Phoenix and when I got there, there wasn't really anywhere to park that I thought I could fit my mom's Trailblazer into. But I wasn't going to park on the street, since I didn't have any coins to pay for it. So I figured all I could do was try to park in one of the three spots that had cars parked on or over the line. I settled on one and somehow managed to get the car in without hitting or scratching any of the cars. I was quite impressed with myself, so I took a picture of each side so you can see how close the other cars really were. 

There was probably between 12 and 18 inches on this side 
(good thing I was planning on leaving the carseat in the car)
I had just enough room to get out on this side, so maybe 6 inches!
Those of you who drive bigger cars are probably laughing that I am proud of myself for this parking job, but keep in mind I usually drive a neon. 

And because I can't post without a picture of miss Madie... here she is enjoying her squash :)


  1. Good job to Zach on his projects! That's awesome!
    Also good job to you on the parking! I feel your pain, and I don't know if I could have done it. Props.
    Madie is such a cutie.

  2. I may have more blog entries, but I don't have a super cute little girl in mine, so I'd say we're even in that about three of my posts equal one of yours.

    I am very excited for Zach and for you because I know what it is like to have a husband eaten up by school :)

    I hate when people don't park inside the lines (I see that a lot here) it is basically like taking two spaces for yourself.

  3. Hey did you do the google AdSense thing? How's it work exactly?

  4. She is such a cutie! Wanted to let you know you've been awarded so check out my blog to find out for what:)!
