Thursday, October 2, 2008


So Zach got in a car accident on Saturday. It pretty much crunched the front passenger side of the Saturn. I was not a happy camper to say the least! The lady was willing to admit that it was all her fault and has been pretty cooperative so far. He was turning left onto Country Club getting off of the 60 and a lady ran a red light (trying not to be late for work...don't you love the irony?) and smashed into Zach. Luckily he is ok...sadly the car is not so much. The picture doesn't really do it justice. Then we found out yesterday while working with the lady's insurance company that she no longer had coverage with them. She is an illegal and drives her ex-husband's truck and he apparently cancelled the policy...go figure. Hopefully we can get this whole mess worked out pretty soon here. 

On a different note...Madie has her appt with the orthopedic dr tomorrow. I'm really hoping that will go well and that there are some excercises I can do with her to loosen up her arms and that there isn't anything serious that is wrong. 
And as usual, here are some pics that I just thought were cute, for your viewing pleasure :)


  1. You weekend ended up about like my weekend. I am sorry that happened to you car.

    Maddie is the cutiest of all!!!!!! I hope all goes well with the doctor. Let me know how it goes.

    I am excited to see you all this weekend.


  2. Love my Madie Cakes. She is such a cutie.

  3. I realize now that things are okay because you were able to blog about it, lol, but the start of this entry got me worried! Hopefully things get straightened out with the insurance stuff.

    I didn't know something was up with Madie's arms? I'm sure it's no big deal, kids are funny. Maybe some baby yoga? :-D

  4. I am sorry about your husband's car, but glad that is is ok! Ash,lets get together soon...go to lunch or something! I want to meet that adorable baby and its been to long since we have talked!

  5. That stinks, think she was a little late for work huh?:) I hope Maddies appt. went well! Let me know if you need anything.

  6. Hey! So, I was just catching up with your blog! :) Is something wrong with Madie's arms? I'm sorry. How exciting that she's eating food, and ROLLING! Yea! Well, I hope everything works out with your car. Its frustrating enough when people DO have car insurance and hit you. Darn.

  7. hey Ashley, I dont see my name in your blogging friends, what happen??
