Monday, July 28, 2008

You're So Vain...

So we have this cute little play matt thing (that we are borrowing from my sister) and it plays music and has toys that hang down. Well there is this mirror on it and Madison discovered herself the other day and was fascinated! It was quite entertaining to watch her make faces at herself in the mirror. She often stares at herself when she is on it...for ten minutes at a time!

This is what happens when Zach babysits...
He finds it very entertaining to take funny pictures of Madie.
Snuggling with her bear blankie...

I realize that not everyone is as obsessed with Madie as, say, I am...but I just love the faces that she makes. How could you not find this face just adorable!?!?

Sorry to those of you who view our blog wanting to find out what is new with Zach & me. I realize that Madie is pretty much the only thing that I post about, but she is just so much more entertaining that we are. Plus, not much is new with us. So, for now you will just have to continue to deal with my obsession! :)


  1. Haha, she looks like she's watching TV. The zone out look :)

  2. And are you kidding! You have very interesting posts, plus fun pictures. Your pictures make me want to put up pictures, but I have no babies :(

  3. I love hearing about Madie, and looking at the pictures you post. Keep up the good work.

    Love Ya

  4. I enjoy reading about your family and your new little "obsession".
    The shot with the remote is my favorite.

  5. She is so cute, she is a complete mix of you and zach, its crazy how much I can see both of you guys in her;)
