Monday, February 23, 2009

Time for Updates

I know it has been a while since I posted last, but between homework and taking care of a sick baby I haven't had time or energy. To make up for being awake from 2:30 to 3:30 this morning Madison is still sleeping, so I figured I would update this thing. Madie is getting so grown up. She is into everything. She can pull herself to standing, crawl, walk...pretty much you name it and she can do it. And she has the bruises to prove it. She is always so proud of herself when she pulls herself up to standing or walks.
Here she is sporting her new sunglasses which I got for one dollar at target, in hopes of deterring her from always wanting to play with my sunglasses.
She has a mind of her own. When she saw Zach laying on the couch she wanted to sit on top of him. At one point she was leaned forward with her hands on his back and it looked like she was giving him a massage...but she moved before I could get a picture of that. 
I got my hair cut two weeks ago. I like it. There is no before picture becuase I don't like the one I took.
This was my attempt at fried frogs. They are not real frogs, they were gummy frogs. My second attempt was much more successful, but I didn't get a picture. This was for my dad.
This is mostly for Lindsay because she has asked several times for updates on what Zach does in school. So here are some pictures of the models Zach has been working on this semester. He does several drawings for each one before he makes it into a model. Maybe over spring break I can get him to post about them and explain what he is doing.

Overall, things are going pretty well. Zach is super busy with homework as usual. We are only about 1/3 of the way through the semester and he has already made as many models as he did all of last semester. I stay pretty busy keeping Madie entertained and following her as she explores her surroundings. 


  1. Woohoo! Super picture post! Looks like you guys are keeping busy and that's always good :) Madison looks like she is a happy, healthy, huggable little girl and that must mean you and Zach are doing something right. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Please, you have got to explain the FROG
