In an effort to get caught up on are a bunch of random pictures from over the summer.
Madie likes to pretend she is riding a horse...or an elephant, whatever.
Madie, Jenny & Katie enjoying a tea party.
Helping Grandma make cupcakes after the tea party was over.
Helping shuck the corn. Madie kept saying that the corn was hiding.
Doing some quality control :)
One of her favorite phrases lately is "Madie's turn." Here she is having a turn wiping off the table. This was her idea not mine, in fact I couldn't get her to give me back the wash cloth so I had to go get a different one!
Apparently she needed wiped down also.
Zach was laying in her tunnel and she crawled through it just so she could crawl over him.
Taking her baby doll for a ride on the little blue car.
Playing dress up in Auntie Lori's shoes...
...and wearing her shirt as a dress.
I just love the look on her face in this picture.
Pulling Lori in the wagon.