Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A real post

We are just about all settled into my parents house. We moved in about two weeks ago so that we can save some money to buy our own house. And since Lori got married the end of May, they had three extra bedrooms, that they so kindly let us move into. Zach and I took over the room that Lori was in and my mom moved her sewing stuff into her pantry room so that Madie could have her own room. My dad is in the process of adding on to the house so that there is more room. He is making the pantry/sewing room bigger and their closet bigger (which my mom has always wanted). Since he is doing that he knocked out the wall between the closet in the pantry/sewing room and our room so that our closet is now twice as big as it was before. We are super thankful for the extra storage space that gives us.
Now that we are all settled and I finished the scrapbook I made for my dad for Father's day (which I'm going to try and get pictures of on my other blog in the next few days) I can finally start on the projects for the craft exchange people signed up for several months ago. Sorry for those who signed up on mine, I didn't forget about you. Something is coming shortly.
Madie gets funnier and smarter each day. She is little miss independent! She loves to drink out of a regular cup. If she sees one she points to it and does her little "I want that" dance (which means that she bobbs up and down). Once I hand it to her and takes it over to the fridge and holds it up like she wants water in it (my parents fridge has the in the door water and ice dispenser). Yesterday she was ok with me filling it up for her but today she decided that I needed to lift her up so that she can do it herself. She loves the "Once there was a Snowman" song. She saw a snowman in one of her Elmo books yesterday and pointed to it and said "man" and started moving her hands up above her head and dancing. She wanted me to sing it to her and do the motions with her. So we did that a couple of times and when I started singing it and doing the motions myself, she grabbed onto my hands so that I could help her do them. I thought it was so cute.
She gets so worried if her sippy cup falls over. She thinks that means that it spilled, which is sometimes true, but not always. And if there is a towel near by she will go get it and pat it on the ground like she is cleaning up the mess. It is so funny!
This was before we moved from our apt. She was carrying around the pool toy and the next thing I knew she was sitting on the bathroom floor wearing it and clapping.
There is so much for Madie to explore here. She loves the backyard!!!!! To the point that we eat breakfast out there and sometimes dinner because apparently its not enough to just go play outside three or four times a day. Zach was trying to work the sprinkler and Madie decided she needed it. At one point, she was grabbing on to it and trying to take it away from Zach.
She has discovered shoes. She tries to put them on by herself, but can't and so she gets mad and then gets even more mad when I try to help her put them on. Sometimes, though, she will just bring a shoe or two to me and sit down so that I will put them on her. These were the two that she picked earlier tonight.
I put her hair into a little pony tail for the first time on Saturday. I don't think she has quite enough hair yet. It's plenty long enough, it's just really thin on top still. But I thought she looked cute.
Here is a picture of her first big head injury. She has become quite the little monkey and feels the need to climb onto everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything!!! She was standing on the seat of the little picnic table and fell head first onto the concrete. I didn't freak out, I just called Kristi to see what I needed to do or look for. This picture is actually from a couple of days after it happened, so the bruise was almost gone. It healed really quickly though, I was surprised it only took about a week for it to go away.
Madie made Grandpa's day a couple of Sundays ago. She sat on his lap to read the comics. Yes, that is a slotted spoon she is holding. She thinks she is a little chef and likes to get the spoons and spatulas out of the drawer in the kitchen.
We watched Madie's friend Ethan about a week ago. They really enjoyed playing in the backyard and taking turns on the slide, which Madie has figured out how to climb up and go down all by herself (the going down part she has had mastered for quite some time but the climbing up, not so much).

I thought this was a really cute picture of Ethan.
Here is Madie's new room. I think I would like to go through and paint purple butterflies on the white part of the walls.
Here is a close up of her curtains.
I will post pics of our bedroom once I have our curtains done so you can get a better feel for what it looks like. But in case anyone is super curious, three of the walls are cream and we have a chocolate brown accent wall and the curtains are a dark sage, along with the dustruffle (once I make it) and the body pillow.


  1. She's such a smart little girl! Well, minus the head injury part ;) Adventurousness has it's downsides! The decorating looks very nice, can't wait to see more pictures!

  2. Thanks for the update. I love seeing her photos. It sounds like things are coming along at your parents home. Give Maddie a hug and kiss for us. We miss you all and wish you were coming up this weekend. Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July.
