What happened to January??? Good heavens!
Anyway, I figured it was time for another update...so here we go. Zach started back to school about half way through January. He is super busy with school, work & homework but he does a good job of trying to get things done so that he can still help out with Madie and spend time with us. Once this semester is over he'll be half way done with school! YAY! I spend my free time crafting...when I have the energy. Madie wears me out these days. I think she is starting to enter the "terrible twos". She used to be such a good listener and would do the things that I would ask her to, but now it is really hit or miss. So most days I'm exhausted from battling with her over just about everything. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad. As she becomes more of a goober she also gets cuter and sweeter. That must be the Lord's way of keeping things balanced.
She is quite the chatter box lately. Most of what she says is still jibberish, but she is starting to get a little more clear in her speech. Her interest in the potty is increasing! Yay! Hopefully this will continue and we can ditch the diapers in the next few months. She is my little dancing queen! If there is music, she is dancing. One of her favorite pastimes is dancing in her bed to the Veggie Tales cd we borrowed from Kristi.
Her new favorite place (to play or hide or do her business) is the cupboard. It is also filled with lots of fun things...such as straws.
Here she is surveying her work...
and deciding that it wasn't quite messy enough. So she ran her hands all over the pile, sending straws flying all over the kitchen floor. It was hilarious!
One day she was hiding in there while I was making dinner and I heard this crunching sound. I thought she had gotten into the chips so I opened the door prepared (with my best "mommy voice") to tell her no and take them away. However, as soon as I saw her I started laughing. She discovered that she can take the lids off of the #10 cans and was helping herself to the uncooked macaroni noodles.
Upon sitting down to eat her oatmeal one morning, she noticed the giant container of pretzels on the table next to her. She looked at it...then the oatmeal...than at me and said "dip".
Yep, she wanted to dip the pretzels into the oatmeal and then suck it off. Why not?
She also enjoys the swing set in the backyard. Her new favorite ways to play on it are to swing on her tummy and to hang from the bars.
Miscellaneous Summer fun
8 years ago
That was a great post. I love it when you post things about you and Madie. She is growing so fast. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and know that we love you <3!