Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Pictures

Madie has discovered a new hiding spot. Unfortunately, it isn't the safest place for her. She was so proud of herself the first time she managed to get in there and I thought it was hilarious so I laughed. Now we are working on keeping her out! Where am I talking about? The dryer.
The girls made a maze out of the foam squares the other day and had a blast crawling through it over and over.

Do you like the row of oranges? I'm sure you can guess how they got there!
I was sitting at the table one afternoon and all of a sudden this is what I saw. I thought it was so cute to see her little hands peeking above the counter top to put the oranges in a row. She kept putting them up and taking them down, over & over & over...for probably 10 or 15 minutes!

Madie has developed a new habit...licking her plate. Here she is actually licking bbq sauce off of an uncooked corn tortilla. She loves to eat the tortillas and it grosses me out! Every time I get the bag of them out to make tacos or tostadas she asks for one. 
This time it was ice cream.

This is my new favorite picture. This morning as I was sweeping the floor, I hear Madie laughing hysterically and saying "pocket" over and over again. I told her to come here and this is what she looked like.
She thought she had discovered a pocket in her jammies! At least now I know one possible explanation for the picture of me around her age with my hand down my pants.

Zach is almost done for the semester. Which is exciting but at the same time means he doesn't get much sleep (he went to bed at 3 this morning) and I don't see him much. The street fair I did on Saturday went ok. I sold enough to break even and even make a little...but totally not worth it! I'm not sure if the baby shower for Saturday is still on since my friend had her baby last Monday. I'm still waiting to hear from her as to what she wants to do. And I'm hoping to get the street fair leftovers up on my site in the next few if you're in the market for some cute red, white & blue hair accessories for cheap I'll be selling them soon!

Edited to add: I got the hair accessories up in my shop. Here's the link:
Everything is either $2.50 or $1.00!


  1. I totally understand about the sleep thing. David went to sleep at 3:45 last night.

    Cute pictures of Madison.

  2. She is getting so big and cute! Your bows are really cute by the way!

  3. Lexi saw the pictures and her reply was, "I have such a cute niece!"

    She is cute. I loved having dinner with all of you last week and then visiting with you all before I had to go to work. Thanks for the great dinner. I am going to have to make that chicken dinner. Your the best Ashley!
