Sunday, May 13, 2012

Preschool, Graduation & Mother's Day

Madie loves school! Whether it is art class with Katie (through the city) or the preschool co-op we did with some ladies in our stake or primary she just loves it! Here is a pic from one of our preschool lessons about construction. This was actually the last lesson I taught before I was put on bed rest. And she has been doing really well learning her Articles of Faith! She has passed off 1-5 and was ready to pass off #6 today, but they didn't do it today since it is Mother's Day.
Speaking of school...ZACH GRADUATED!!!!! It has been a long 4 years, but he did it (with honors even)! I'm so proud of him and all of his hard work. And thank you to all of the family that came out to support him that day!

 While Zach's parents were in town for graduation, we went to lunch together and then they took Madie shopping for her birthday. Here she is playing with Grandma Watson and her new birthday carriage (which she just LOVES, by the way).
 Madie enjoying a random May storm. It felt very monsoon-ish.
And this is the two of us before church this morning. Yes, we matched (the outfits were planned...the matching hair just sort of happened). The primary kids sang "I Often Go Walking" in Sacrament meeting and I received several compliments on how they did. It was so cute to see Madie up there singing. She did a great job of singing loudly, but not too loudly.
As far as Henry goes...he is growing really well. We had another check this last week for his heart (which beats irregular) and there was no change, so that means I get to go back for another check for that in two weeks. So as of right now, I'm been seen every 2 weeks by my ob to check on the clot and every 2 weeks by the perinatologist to check on Henry's heart. The good news is that he should out grow the arrhythmia though and it shouldn't cause any long term issues. The other good part about it is that it means we get to see him on u/s quite often. This picture is from 2 weeks ago...I got another 3d pic on Friday but don't feel like scanning it in right now.

Madie's birthday is on Tuesday so I'll post pics from that later in the week. Also, we had new pics taken of her and once I get those back I'll upload them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the matching mother's day outfits - you two look adorable. Not that that's anything new! Good to see you posting again, I love seeing all the pics!
