Sunday, January 6, 2013

Henry Cole Watson

Wow, I was a terrible blogger in the second half of 2012! Let's see...we had a baby & moved into our house (still working on fixing it up though). Those two things have pretty much consumed my entire life over the last 4 months. And since they are both pretty big events, I'll break them up into two posts.

Henry was born on 9/11 at 4:03 am and weighed a whopping 9 lbs 15 oz! He was 21.5 inches long. Madie was VERY excited to meet her new brother. She woke up around 3:30 that morning (if I remember correctly) and never went back to sleep. Good thing Henry didn't wait much longer than that to come.

He is growing great and when we saw the Cardiologist in Oct he said that Henry's heart is starting to heal and that we don't need to go back until April. I'll try to remember to update on that.
 Henry is a thumb (and finger...and fist) sucker. It still seems so weird to me since Madie couldn't do that when she was a baby.
 All dressed up for church.
 Halloween - Belle & a mummy
 Henry is my snuggle bug. He loves to be held and snuggled. Also very different from his sister.
 Henry is such a happy, smiley baby! And he's pretty ticklish...which I just love. He pretty much only cries if he's hungry. Sometimes he fusses when he needs to poop or when he's tired...but not always.

Zach blessed Henry in November. It was lovely, thank you to everyone who came.
Madie did NOT want to pose for pictures! She cried and threw a huge fit. All she wanted to do was change her clothes and play with her cousins.
In his fancy suit that grandma 'roney made him.


  1. I love all the pictures. So glad you finally posted again! It's nice to see what's been going on with your family.
