Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ok, I guess I'll admit it.

I've never really felt like a creative person. Several people lately have made comments to me though about how creative I am. I guess I just don't see it since I usually take my ideas from someone or somewhere else. I realized the other day, though, that I almost never copy an idea in its entirety. There is usually some tweaking that goes on. After making these cupcakes, though, I felt creative. For Madie's birthday I want to make her an Elmo cake, since she loves Elmo. I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it look as cute in frosting as it was in my head. I saw on a food network challenge recently someone make a cake of Sully from Monsters, Inc. and he used this grass tip to make the fur and I thought that would be way cuter than using a star tip to make Elmo. So I went out and bought one. This was my first round. The second round I did the nose a lighter orange so it shows up better. I thought they turned out way cute and I knew I must not have done too bad when I showed one to Madie and asked her who it was she just laughed and reached out for it. She knows its Elmo and that's pretty much all that matters. For her birthday I'm going to try and do several of the Sesame Street characters. I'll post pics of those. 
I didn't feel like making 2 dozen Elmo cupcakes so this is how I decorated the rest. I stole the idea from a cookbook, but they rolled the edges of sugar cookies in sprinkles. 
Sorry the pictures are upside down. We have been really trying lately to get Madie to fall asleep on her own at nap time. She is doing much better, she only cries for about 10 minutes, usually, and then it out. This is how I found her the other day. I thought it was a pretty interesting position. She is laying across her crib the short direction with her leg bent and pushed up against the edge.
Then Zach put her down on Saturday while I was getting my hair cut and this is how she fell asleep. 
Madie's new favorite thing is to help me clean. She loves to carry around the swiffer. She bangs it on the floor and sometimes even drags it across it.
Oh, and despite the pictures on this post, my child really does wear pants. 


  1. Wow, those are REALLY cute, how did you make the eyes? Well I think you are creative, and you do such a good job on the things you create:o)! Very cute and good luck on the naps!

  2. Haha, I'm pretty sure I spent my first few years in only a diaper. Easier clean up?

    I think being creative means having a good eye, and that you do!

  3. The elmo cupcakes definitely look cuter when the eyes aren't rolled back ;-) Very cute, love all the pics!

  4. Those cupcakes are so cute! They look just like Elmo. Love her sleeping positions :D Oh, and thank you so much for the gift!

  5. Is that your BRA hanging on the chair?

  6. I was wondering if anyone would notice that.
