Now that I have some energy, I'll finish posting about Christmas. Yes, that was the real reason I quickly finished blogging about our was after 9 pm and I was tired. So, here goes.
My dad makes the coolest rocking toys (like rocking horses, but not horses) for the grandkids. He has made a heffalump, motorcycle, airplane, train, ladybug and this year he made Madie a butterfly.
Do you think she likes it??? :)
For those who don't feel inclined to check out my other blog, here are the things I crafted for Madie this year.
Cardboard box oven
Art Table (Ok, so I didn't craft this, but I did paint it)
Here is a pic of the tablet thingy that Zach got (not his, but one like it). He seems to really be enjoying it. Hopefully it will be as beneficial in doing homework and he hopes.
And I don't know why this pic is sideways, but here is what I did to myself on Christmas Eve. This was the next day, so the bruising was still minimal. You should see it now (it's pretty gross, so I'll spare you).
I dropped a huge wooden cutting board on my toe. It isn't broken, but it still hurts if anything touches it, which makes wearing shoes fun. And the bruising has spread to the whole toe, not just the bottom. It reminds me of when I broke my finger in jr high and it looked dead.
You all might think I'm crazy for this but I have decided to do something different this year with making my Christmas gifts. Yes, I'm already thinking about next Christmas. I've read on several blogs recently people saying they wish that it could feel like Christmas all year long (the fun lovey part of it, not the so stressed I can't sleep and want to cry part). I think I've figured out how to do that for myself. I'm going to try and make one Christmas gift each month throughout the year. So for me it will be Christmas all year! I'll try to keep you updated and let you know how it's going. And yes, I do already have several ideas of what I want to make.