Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 Years

Today marks 5 years since this happened...
And since we didn't have a blog back then, here are a few highlights from that day.
I don't think our photographer realized how little I could bend in my dress.
Zach's brother was serving his mission while we got married, but was given permission from his mission president to attend our sealing. This was a neat surprise.
Most awkward (for me) picture taken...
One of my favorites. Jenny didn't want to give me a kiss so she was going to blow a raspberry on my cheek instead.
I don't even remember this happening, but the look on Zach's face makes me laugh every time.
In the last 5 years we...
- Survived 9 months in a barely 500 sq foot, roach infested apartment (which our upstairs neighbors flooded the week of our wedding), then spent 2 years in a nice big apartment in Gilbert, and now we are living with my parents.
- Bought our first car together...and less than a year later, lost our first car

- 2 years later, bought our second car together

- Got denied acceptance into ASU and one year later got into ASU
- Went from being a family of 2 to a family of 3

- I quit work so that I could stay at home with Madie and spend my days like this

- We survived multiple layoffs and almost 2 years of crappy (or no) jobs

We have been blessed with wonderful family that have helped us through so many things! I feel like we are finally at a good, stable place in our lives. Zach has a good job and while it isn't in his field of study, it is related. In less than a year he will graduate from ASU. We've had our ups and downs, but it has been a wonderful 5 years. I'm grateful to have found such a great person to share eternity with. While Zach isn't perfect, and he does things that annoy me sometimes (and vice versa), he is just what I need when I need it. He is a wonderful husband and father and is such a kind, giving, and patient person and definitely a kid at heart.

I love my family! Here is to another 5 years (and many, many more)!


  1. Happy Anniversary! :) You have such a cute little family- and Hey, that's what marriage is about- annoying each other :) My husband does it to me all the time, LOL :)

  2. What a great post. Love all the pictures! :) (This is me commenting, just for you)

  3. Happy...late...anniversary! I loved this post. It just about made me cry to think about all the things you go through in your first five years of marriage and how great an experience it is. I love the last picture of you guys on this post. So cute.

  4. Keep up the posts. I love reading them.
