Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Giving makes the giver happy too!

The first 5 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a super-duper hand-made decoration or goody from me. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well-before you leave your comment here, write up (or copy & paste as I did!) a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. Then come back, let me know you're going to play, and sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift!Remember that only the first FIVE comments will receive a gift from me, so be quick!
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make or send!2. It will be done in the next month or so. 3. You will have no clue what it is going to be.C'mon, you know you wanna play!


  1. ok, hooray! I am first! what's your email so i can send you my address? I love free stuff!

  2. I didn't know Lindsay got it from you. I'm playing too.

  3. Count me in. Tim has your Sale-A-Bration stamps. He will bring them over sometime this week.

  4. Well it helps that my sisters are on Spring Break, lol. Since you were the 5th to comment does that mean you're my fifth victim? ;)

  5. Hello You! :)

    I am glad to see you are doing well! ... send me your address so I can send you this mystical item...


    P.S. the verification word for this post is "braphiz". Doesn't that sound like some sort of insect, like an aphid that infects your bra?

  6. Ashley, I am glad you are playing! Send me your address. my e-mail is btnoyes@yahoo.com
