Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Hot stove + plastic = giant mess

I wasn't paying enough attention last night to where I put the plastic microwave cover and set it down on the hot burner (that I thought I had turned off but apparently not, in my defense the light stays on even after you turn it off). This is what happened...

(You're not supposed to be able to see through it)
Needless to say, we threw it away.

On a completly different note, this is what Madie's hair looks like this morning. She had a little ponytail in yesterday and that always makes for interesting morning hair.

I'm hoping this morning gets better because so far it has not been fun. Madie hasn't been sleeping well the last few days (bedtime and naptime) and so she is super grumpy. She was convinced that she needed ketchup about 15 minutes ago so she had a chicken nugget with her cereal for breakfast, because I wasn't going to let her eat the ketchup by itself and was tired of hearing her cry about it. Maybe I can get her to nap early and hopefully that will put her in a better mood.


  1. I remember my dad did that with a tupperware bowl. The element was off and not orange, but still hot (he didn't know). It didn't burn thru, just made a cool design, haha.

    Madie just wanted a little lycopene mommy ;)

  2. LOL- Ive done that many times by the way..

    And she is SUCH a cutie!:)

  3. What is the matter with ketcup on your finger
