Thursday, July 23, 2009

I love the internet

And rubbing alcohol.

While this might seem like an odd combination at first, let me tell you why and then you'll understand. I have this pair of olive green shorts that I really like and I got paint on them while painting my closet. You're probably thinking, "you should have changed your clothes before you painted" and I shirt at least. Every other time I have painted, my shorts/pants stay completely clean and my shirt gets dirty (mostly from me wiping my painted fingers on it) so I only changed my shirt and wouldn't you know it! I got my shorts covered in paint. We got some Purple Power (a cleaner that my dad uses that supposedly gets everything out) but it was useless.
After the last couple of weeks of super hotty hot days I decided I wasn't ready to give up on my cute green shorts (aside from their cuteness they are the only pair of shorts I have that actually fit me) and googled "remove dry latex paint from clothes". The first site that popped up didn't have any useful info but the second one suggested hair spray (or rubbing alcohol since that is the ingredient in hair spray that would remove the paint) and since I had a bunch of rubbinig alcohol and not much hair spray I went to work. It was so easy! All I did was pour the alcohol on (no soaking time required, actually the faster after pouring the better) and scrubbed with my finger nail and voila! Good as new!!!

Before - notice the cream colored paint marks around the pocket and along the right side
After - the previously splotched pocket
After - the back right side

So I will say it again... I love the internet and rubbing alcohol!


  1. I have used alchol many a times to get ink out of clothes but I never knew it worked on paint. Wish I had known that 30 years ago.

  2. Hair spray works good on ink pen stains also.

    Glad to see the alcohol worked so good!
