Wednesday, July 29, 2009


While out and about this morning, we stopped by the bank to deposit a check and I noticed something odd and kind of disturbing on the drive up ATM:

I know it's a small picture (since it was taken with my phone) so in case you can't read the sign (on the DRIVE UP ATM) it says "This ATM offers audio assistance for the visually impaired."
All I have to say is YIKES!

It must be the day of stupid signs/labels because I also noticed on one of Madie's washcloths that the label said "warm iron if needed." Who irons their washcloths?!?!?!?!?!

And since Madie was up several times last night, and is now napping, I'm going to go lay down so hopefully you'll get a real post later today.


  1. I have seen and thought the EXACT same thing at the drive-up ATM! Haha!

    You don't iron your washcloths? We'll I guess if you want to live in filth like that...

    Haha, TOTALLY kidding.

  2. I think that sign is better than the braille that you see at all drive up ATM's. At least you have to see enough to read the sign.
