Monday, August 10, 2009


It's child is a little monkey with no fear. Guess what she discovered she can do this morning???
That's right, it's no longer enough to climb onto the couch by standing on the little rocking chair, she wants to climb to the top of the couch. What am I going to do with her???

She has also decided that she likes to bathe herself. This video is a couple of weeks old, so she has gotten a little better at it since then.

This is what my new phone looks like. It is the Samsung T349 (their version of the Blackberry Pearl (Zach's phone shipped separately from mine and should be here tomorrow, so no review of it today)). So far I like it. It has a lot of neat features, most of which I will probably rarely, if ever, use, but nice to know I have the option. It has a partial QWERTY keyboard and so it has taken some getting used to but in the 4 days that I've had it I'm already getting much faster at messaging with it, and since I have to look at it to type, maybe now I'll learn where the letters are on a traditional keyboard (not to confuse you, I can type pretty well (around 65 wpm) but I just go by feel and it takes me twice as long to type if I look at the keyboard because I don't know where all of the letters are if I look). So far the only thing I don't like is the camera, but that's ok because I have a nice digital camera for real picture taking.

So Julie & was a cute movie. The first half was really funny! I think Zach laughed more than I did, so definitely not a chick flick. The second half was kind of sad, but in an effort to not spoil the movie for anyone planning on going to see it I won't say why. Overall a good movie, there were a few scenes that I could have lived without, but for the most part it was pretty clean. Now, the super awesome part. So Zach got us the tickets through the KTAR auction so we didn't have to wait outside in the super long line with people who got their tickets other ways, we got to just walk straight into the theater and check in with a guy with a clipboard with a bunch of names (one of which was ours). When we went to do that there was an older lady in front of us who got her tickets the same way and the guy asked if she had gotten her package yet. She seemed very confused and so he said he would point her out when the girl got their with her gift. She and her husband ended up sitting right behind us and so she asked me if he had said anything to us, which he had not. We were both very intrigued and ended up talking with them for about 15 or 20 minutes before the movie started. Then in walks this girl with two bags on her arm and they guy points out the lady behind us and then tells Zach to come up too! Surprise, we were special winners too!!! We got a little tote bag (I'm guessing to do grocery shopping with), two movie posters, a book light and an apron! Of course everything has the movie name on it, but who cares. Zach was excited for the book light and I was excited for the apron, since the only one I currently own is of Santa Claus (which was kind of funny when I was pregnant because then Santa really had a belly!). We'll probably post the movie posters on Craigslist, since we're never going to do anything with them, or if any of you want one let me know. This is what it looks like:


  1. What a cute video. I guess nothing is safe any more.

  2. Haha, should I be crocheting a little helmet for her? ;)

    Is she clucking her tongue at the end of the video? Haha, I love her personality!

  3. Maybe we'll have to see that movie, I had wondered if it'd be good. She is so so cute! I can't wait till we can play with our little girl in the bath tub! Fun!

  4. Well done! She is growing fast. I love the video of her bathing herself.
